Project Background
Certus has provided investigation and remediation services for an array of clients including commercial and industrial owner/operators, municipalities, and state regulatory agencies.
Scope of Work
Certus’ professionals have experience in completing investigative and remedial activities at a variety of sites posing environmental concern including releases from leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs), industrial waste disposal practices, bulk-storage tank farm and pipeline operations, and more. Certus’ professionals experiences include devising and managing site investigation activities funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownsfields Programs and Clean Michigan Initiative (CMI) projects funded by the State of Michigan; provided emergency release response and remediation at bulk petroleum storage facilities and at pipeline release sites; as well as investigation and remediation at active and historical dry cleaners and gas stations. Certus has negotiated regulatory requirements with municipal representatives and local, state, and federal regulators to achieve project closures.
Throughout project tasks, our experiences have included coordinating and conducting fieldwork such as soil, groundwater, and vapor sampling; as well as oversight of on-site activities such as soil boring completion, monitoring well installation, underground storage tank (UST) removal, soil and groundwater remediation, investigation-derived waste (IDW) management, etc.